Question Tag adalah bentuk kalimat tanya yang pola kalimatnya menggunakan kata tanya pada akhir kalimat. Kalimat tanya ini biasanya tidak membutuhkan jawaban karena digunakan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang diyakini benar oleh sang penanya.
Contoh : Langit itu biru bukan? Salju itu putih bukan?
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu informasi atau meminta pertolongan. Meminta pertolongan atau bertanya dengan menggunakan question tag berkesan lebih sopan.
Contoh :
Where is the post office? (berkesan tidak cukup sopan)
Do you know where the post office is? (agak lebih sopan)
You wouldn't know where the post office is, would you?
Berdasarkan bentuk kalimatnya dibedakan menjadi tiga yaitu :
Positive Statement
Negative Statement
Command / Request
Basic structure:
Positive statement >>>>> negative tag
The sky is blue, isn't it?
Negative statement >>>>> positive tag
You do not like football, do you?
Bentuk khusus:
I am finish, aren't I? (bukan am not I)
You have to go, don't you? ( bukan haven't you? )
Let's go, shall we? (bukan isn't, karena let's = let us)
Nothing came in the post, did it? (Nothing, nobody, merupakan bentuk negatif)
He'd better do it, hadn't he? (had better, bukan auxillairy)
Contoh-contoh kalimat
You are coming, aren't You?
We have finished, haven't we?
You do like coffee, don't you?
You like coffee, dont you?
They will help, won't they?
I can come, can't I?
We must go, musn't we?
He should try harder, shouldn't they?
You are Indonesian, aren't You?
John was there, wasn't he?
It isn't rain, is it?
We have never seen that, have we?
You don't like coffee, do you?
They will not help, will they?
They won't report us, will they?
I can never do it right, can I?
We musn't tell her, must we?
He shouldn't drive so fast, should he?
You aren't American, are You?
John was not there, was he?
But you don't really love her, do you?
This will work, won't it?
Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you?
We'd never have known, would we?
The weather's bad, isn't it?
You won't be late, will you?
Nobody knows, do they?
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