
Kamis, 24 November 2011

Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Teacher Talk



A. Background
Teacher plays a very important role in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The teacher is as the centre of the students to ask everything that they do not know. In this case, teacher should use every facility in the classroom particularly to support the instructional process. In language class, the teacher must use English in the classroom. Today, MTs uses KTSP, which the teacher must know part of part English in the lesson, it means the teacher uses English in the classroom at least the simple utterance in the classroom. The teacher’s utterances are called teacher talk.
The kind of language used by the teacher for instruction in the classroom is known as teacher talk (TT). For this term, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as "that variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of teaching. In trying to communicate with learners, teacher often simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner talk in other simplified styles of speech addressed to language learners" (Richards, 1992: 471).
The teacher should be able to manage the classroom in order the students interested to learn English lesson. The teacher has capability to understand the situation of the class how to organize students understanding with the utterances of the teacher in implicate or explicit to them. The management of the teacher by using English in the class is more important in the language class.
Teacher’s talk, which is often heard by students during teaching and learning process, can be interaction language model, which is needed inside and outside of the class. Without existence of teacher talk that showing how English language is used in everyday context, the student will be difficult to expect in communicative interest. English teacher should be creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good atmosphere and make the English lesson more exiting. At MTsN Muara Teweh, the teacher sometimes uses English utterances in the classroom.
From the above statement, there are still a lot of constrains which must be faced in the effort of upgrading the result of English language learning entirely. Therefore, teacher has to uplift skill to communicate in English language by forming a group that using English language and giving additional vocabulary, which is useful for everyday efficiency. Based on the problems above the research is included of the teaching and learning process in the classroom at MTsN Muara Teweh central kalimantan.

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