
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Essay about Ideal Class Rules


Department of Education issued a decree that the content restrictions on the number of learners in one class. Rules include an equal level of education began kindergarten through high school equivalent. consequences of the implementation of the decree for private schools is quite heavy. This can hinder the learning process and reduce the alertness of the ranks of schools to deal with such regulations. It was triggered by some alertness such as funding issues, teachers, and school operations (learning room).
The first in a funding problem, especially on the outskirts of the private schools. Of course, private schools need the outskirts of greater readiness funds to support operational learning. Whether it's funds for construction of classrooms or other facilities to support the learning process. Because if the restrictions on the number of students in the classroom, it also means that the classroom will increase with the number of students in the school.
Secondly, in terms of teaching staff. For example, if you had one class with enrollment of about 40 can handle a teacher, now take an additional teacher to the decree. There's no way one teacher teaching with a hectic schedule. That would reduce the efficiency in teaching. So in addition of classrooms, teachers also automatically power also need to be added. And it's also about the first thing yan earlier, namely on the issue of funding to pay for additional teachers.
Finally, namely the operational schools (classrooms). It also affects the issuance of a decree limiting the number of students in the classroom. Both the school operating as the procurement of the classroom that requires no small cost, and it has also become a bottleneck. However, the influx of funds from the students would be reduced. While operating costs increased. Thus, schools are required to be good at preparing expenditure efficiently. On the other hand, the level of service provided should not be reduced, even be increased.
In conclusion, namely the restriction on the number of students in the class will be considered heavy enough for the school. This is because some things like money matters, teachers, and school operations (learning room). Government should be wise in addressing this. Whether it's from the local authorities in this matter and all parties concerned. To realize the ideal classroom conditions do need a bit of effort and needs time is not short.


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