
Kamis, 24 November 2011



NPM 306.07.12.088

1.1 Background of the Study

English is spoken all over the world. It is used as a means of international communication such as in daily life and international affairs among countries for example in United Nation Organization. English is always used when they have meeting. Beside that English is applied in many aspects of life like book are written in English, information about technology is often using English etc. That’s why Indonesian government obliges English is being taught in every school from elementary school until university.

Pronunciation teaching is experiencing a new resurgence, fuelled largely by the increasing awareness of the communicative function of suprasegmental features in spoken discourse (Brazil, Coulthard, & Johns, 1980; Brown & Yule, 1983). Pronunciation Practice is one of these courses in English Department of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. It is consist of Pronunciation Practice I and Pronunciation Practice II. There is very important for the students in STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin because they have to master these PP I and PP II subjects so that they won’t wrongly teach the students about how to pronounce or intonation English words and sentence.
Pronunciation (also known as phonology) includes the role of individual sounds and sound segments, that is, features at the segmental level, as well as suprasegmental features such as stress, rhythm, and intonation (Richards and Renandya 2002 :175). English intonation is English; it is not the same as the intonation of any other language. Some people imagine that intonation is the same for all languages, but this is not true (O’Connor 1998:108)

In fact, according to Amelia, Siska (2008:31) Stated in her Skripsi, “ from 30 sample students, there are 9 students or 30% who get fair category, and students who get bad category are 9 students or 30%. Rahman, Yudi (2006:22) stated in his skripsi, “from 48 students there is no students got score in range 80-100 or in category good. There are 13 students or 27,08% in the enough category and 35 students or 72,92% in bad category.

Many of students still facing many problems to master their pronunciation ability especially in using English intonation. For instance, some of students at the second semester of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin still get some difficulties to indentify patterns of intonation. It is supported by Harmer, Jeremy he state that in his book, Some of us (and many of our students) find it extremely difficult to hear ‘tunes’ or to identify the different patterns of rising and falling tones. (p.185)
Based on the explanation above, this research is necessary to conduct in order to describe and interested to know how is the ability in using English Intonation of the Second-Semester Students of English Department of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin academic year 2010/2011.

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